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This class manages a pipe of FrameProcessors, and runs them in sequence. The "source" and "sink" queues are managed by the caller. You can use this class stand-alone to perform specialized processing, or you can use the Transport's run_pipeline method to instantiate and run a pipeline with the Transport's sink and source queues.
processors: List[FrameProcessor],
source: asyncio.Queue | None = None,
sink: asyncio.Queue[Frame] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,


  • processors: The list of services (FrameProcessor objects) that make up the pipeline.
  • source: This queue is where the pipeline watches for frames. Any frames pushed into this queue will get dequeued and sent into the first service in the list of processors.
  • sink: The destination queue. Any frames yielded by the last service in the list of processors get pushed into this queue.
  • name: Used for debug logging.

Instance Methods

set_source(source: asyncio.Queue[Frame])

You can call this method if you need to set the source queue for a pipeline after you create it. (The run_pipeline method in the transport uses this.)

set_sink(sink: asyncio.Queue[Frame])

You can call this method if you need to set the sink queue for a pipeline after you create it. (The run_pipeline method in the transport uses this.)

queue_frames(frames: Iterable[Frame] | AsyncIterable[Frame])

Use this method to insert frames directly into the source queue of a pipeline. This is commonly used in an on_first_other_participant_joined callback to prompt a bot to greet a user, for example.


It's often easier to let the transport handle running your pipeline. But if you need more control over when and how your pipelines execute, you can use this method to run a pipepline, and await it in your app code.