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From Theory to Practice: A Simplified Bot

Let's create a pipeline for a basic chatbot to see how it all works. Here's a lightly modified version of examples/foundational/

async def main(room_url: str, token):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful LLM in a WebRTC call. Your goal is to demonstrate your capabilities in a succinct way. Your output will be converted to audio. Respond to what the user said in a creative and helpful way.",

transport = DailyTransport(...)

tts = ElevenLabsTTSService(...)
llm = OpenAILLMService(...)

tma_in = LLMUserContextAggregator(messages, ...)
tma_out = LLMAssistantContextAggregator(messages, ...)

pipeline = Pipeline(

async def on_first_other_participant_joined(transport):
# Kick off the conversation.
{"role": "system", "content": "Please introduce yourself to the user."})
await pipeline.queue_frames([LLMMessagesFrame(messages)])


We start by creating a messages object, which will be shared by a few different services.

Next, we create a DailyTransport object. If you go to the example file, you can see the full list of all the things we're configuring about the transport. The DailyTransport uses Daily's WebRTC-powered infrastructure as the media transport layer.

Then, we instantiate some services that we'll use in our pipeline. There are a bunch of different services you can use, and services of the same type are usually interchangeable. For example, we could easily swap out ElevenLabsTTSService for DeepgramTTSService if we wanted to use Deepgram's Aura voice engine instead. Or we could use Mistral running on Groq by changing out OpenAILLMService.

Next are two other important services provided by the framework itself. LLMUserContextAggregator grabs user input (in the form of TranscriptionFrames), appends it to the shared messages object as a user entry, and then emits LLMMessageFrames for the LLM service to use. Likewise, LLMAssistantContextAggregator captures the TextFrames created by the LLM service to add an assistant entry to the messages object.

Then we define the pipeline that will run in this app. It's composed of:

  • tma_in, which receives TranscriptionFrames from the transport when the user speaks, and emits LLMMessagesFrames
  • llm, which receives LLMMessagesFrames, runs a chat completion on OpenAI, and emits the streaming result as a series of TextFrames
  • tts, which receives the TextFrames and accumulates them until it has at least a complete sentence, then runs text-to-speech and emits AudioFrames with the spoken audio. tts also emits a TextFrame with the text of any audio it speaks.
  • tma_out, which receives the TextFrames from the tts service and appends them to the messages object. tma_out also passes along the AudioFrames from tts so they exit the pipeline and get sent to the transport, which then plays back the audio in the Daily call.

We'll come back to on_first_other_participant_joined. The last line, await, is what makes the whole thing work.

Under the hood, a pipeline object has a run(input_queue, output_queue) method. The pipeline pulls frames out of the input_queue and sends them to the first service in the pipeline. Whatever comes out of the last service in the pipeline gets put into the output_queue. is just shorthand for, output_queue=transport.input, along with code for running the transport itself. watches for an EndFrame from the transport to know when to exit.

Once everything is running, on_first_other_participant_joined() is what actually starts the conversation. The transport provides a decorator, @transport.event_handler("on_first_other_participant_joined"), that does what it says: Runs a function when a participant other than the bot itself joins the Daily room. In this case, we're constructing our own LLMMessagesFrame and passing it directly into the pipeline by calling pipeline.queue_frames(). The first service in the pipeline (tma_in) doesn't know what to do with an LLMMessagesFrame , so it passes it along to the llm service... which will generate a friendly greeting from the bot.

Next, we'll see how to implement one of the most important things for making a bot feel interactive: Interruption.