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LLMService (LLM Completion)

Frame Types

Input: LLMMessagesFrame, or OpenAILLMContextFrame for OpenAI-compatible LLM services

Output: LLM services yield these frames in this order for chat completions:

  1. LLMResponseStartFrame
  2. TextFrames. Some services (like GPT-4) stream responses one word (token) at a time. Others, like Groq, will include the entire response in a single TextFrame.
  3. LLMResponseEndFrame

If the LLM is completing a function call instead of a chat response, it will yield these frames:

  1. LLMResponseStartFrame
  2. LLMFunctionStartFrame with the name of the function being called
  3. A single LLMFunctionCallFrame with the function name and arguments. Even if the service itself streams responses, the LLMService will aggregate them all together and yield a single LLMFunctionCallFrame.
  4. LLMResponseEndFrame


Each LLM service initializer takes a slightly different parameter set. Some allow you to specify a model. Most require an API key.

Function Calling

Some services, such as OpenAI, support function calling. You may have heard this or similar approaches also called Retrieval Augmented Generation, or RAG. This enables an LLM to query external services to get more information in response to user input.

A common example case is getting the current weather. At a high level, the process looks like this:

  1. As part of the context passed to the LLM, you include a list of functions available to the LLM. In this case, you'd specify a function named get_current_weather, which accepts a location parameter.
  2. The user talks to the LLM as usual, adding user and assistant messages to the stored context.
  3. The user asks a question like "What's the weather going to be in San Diego tomorrow?" The LLM recognizes it needs to use the get_current_weather function to answer this question, so instead of returning a response to the user, it returns a tool_call, asking to call the get_current_weather function with a location parameter of San Diego, CA.
  4. Your app actually calls some kind of getWeather() function that talks to an API and gets the weather, and then adds the resulting data to the bot's stored context as a function_response message.
  5. Your app re-prompts the LLM to generate another completion using the shared context. The LLM sees that the last few messages in the context include a question from the user about the weather, then the generated function call request, then the resulting data. The LLM then generates an actual chat response to the user based on the data returned from the function call.

This flow is fairly complicated, but Pipecat makes it a lot easier to work with by handling the context management and re-prompting for you. You'll still need to define the functions the LLM can use in OpenAI's JSON format. But once you've done that, you can call register_function on your OpenAILLMService instance to specify a callback for that function. It looks like this:

tools = [
"name": "get_current_weather",
"description": "Get the current weather",
"parameters": {

# (...)

llm = OpenAILLMService(

async def fetch_weather_from_api(llm, args):
return ({"conditions": "nice", "temperature": "75"})

llm.register_function("get_current_weather", fetch_weather_from_api)

The register_function function also has a start_callback property that accepts a different callback function to call when the LLM first receives a function name. Sometimes it can take a bit of time for the LLM to stream the full function call body back, so this hook is a convenient place to put a small 'ding' sound effect indicating the LLM is 'working', or a short text response like "let me think" that will get converted to speech later. Pipecat ignores anything returned from the start_callback. There are several examples of start callbacks in the patient-intake example.

Your callback also receives an llm parameter, which is the llm instance inside the running pipeline. You can use that to call llm.process_frame to re-prompt it yourself. You can also do other things, like calling llm.push_frame(AudioRawFrame()) to play a sound effect. (The LLM service will just push that frame to the next processor down the pipeline, but it's the only 'hook' you have into the pipeline from inside the callback.)

By specifying a callback like this, Pipecat will handle everything for you. If the user asks for the weather and the LLM requests to call the get_current_weather function, Pipecat will call your callback with the parameters from the LLM, format the return data correctly for the context, and re-prompt the LLM to generate a chat response. You can see this in action in the foundational example

Function callback return types

You can return three types of data from your callback to control how Pipecat behaves.

If you return a dict like in the example above, Pipecat will presume it's the data for the requested function call. It will append the function call request and result to the shared context object, and re-prompt the LLM for a chat response. This is almost always what you want. See foundational/ to see this in action.

If you return a list containing dicts that look like LLM messages array entries (containing role and content properties), Pipecat will insert those into the shared context instead of the function call and response, and then re-prompt the LLM. This can be useful if you're changing what functions are available to the LLM throughout the conversation. See patient-intake/, specifically the verify_birthday function, to see this in use.

Finally, if you return None from your callback, Pipecat won't do anything. It won't add anything to the context, and it won't re-prompt for you. You can do some or all of those things inside the callback directly if you want. Take a look at the save-data callback in patient-intake to see how this works.

LLM Context

LLM services do not keep their own history. It's up to you to build your own messages object to pass into the LLM service as a OpenAILLMContextFrame or LLMMessagesFrame. Fortunately, there are other tools in the framework to help with this. Take a look at the Aggregators section of the Utilities docs to learn more.