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TTSService (Text-To-Speech)

Frame Types

Input: TextFrames (Be careful, because TextFrame subclasses can also cause text-to-speech generation!)

Output: TTS services yield these frames, in this order:

  1. TTSStartFrame
  2. 0 or more AudioFrames
  3. TTSEndFrame
  4. A TextFrame with the original source text.

TTS services do not pass through the original TextFrames. Instead, they yield text frames after generating audio. The exact contents of each TextFrame depends on the configuration of the TTS service.

For example, consider a TTSService with aggregate_sentences=True. The following input:

<TextFrame text="This">
<TextFrame text=" is">
<TextFrame text=" sentence">
<TextFrame text=" one.">
<TextFrame text=" This">
<TextFrame text=" is">
<TextFrame text=" the">
<TextFrame text=" second.">

Will produce the following frames as output:

<TextFrame text="This is sentence one.">
<TextFrame text="This is the second.">


Each TTS service initializer takes a slightly different parameter set. Some allow you to specify a model. Most require an API key.

The base TTS service class has one configurable property: aggregate_sentences. When this property is set to True, the TTS service will collect TextFrames until it sees sentence-ending punctuation: if self.current_sentence.strip().endswith((".", "?", "!")). Then, it will generate audio for the entire sentence.

LLM services can stream responses back as single words (or single tokens). By collecting entire sentences, the TTS services can generate much more natural-sounding speech.